Sawyer's first day of school was yesterday. He is going to pre-k at our local public school. It is 5 days a week from 8-5. When we first moved here and I found out about the pre-k, I thought there was no way I would be sending to Sawyer to school all day when he was only 4. As the months passed, I began to entertain the idea of sending him. Then, I was able to meet Mrs. Book, Sawyer's pre-k teacher. She was so wonderful and completely reassured me that Sawyer would love it and that she would take good care of him. So, I decided to enroll him in Pre-K. He has been talking about it all summer and yesterday was the big day!

Sunday night I read the boys "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn. It's a book about a little raccoon who has to leave his mama to go to school. It is the sweetest little book and perfect for kids (or mommies) with separation anxiety.

We read it the night before school and of course I boo-hooed at the end. Good thing I had my brave 4 year old there to reassure me. I know it's pitiful, but he was telling me that it was going to be ok and that he would be home every day right after school. I am just so proud of him and love him so much. It's hard to have to let go of your little ones, even if it's just for a few hours a day.

Sawyer requested that daddy make him pancakes for breakfast on the first day, so pancakes it was. We also found out that all of the pre-k kids eat breakfast together every morning. Sawyer told me he ate cereal in the cafeteria. When I picked him up yesterday, he said, "Mom, guess what? A kid in the cafeteria got chocolate milk and put it in his cereal. It looked pretty good." It's good to know he is learning new things at school.

Jax really wanted to be in the back to school pics, so here are my big boys. I love these guys to pieces, but I really miss having a baby in the house.

Silly Sawyer showing off his backpack.

The whole family took Sawyer to school on the first day. Of course we had to take a picture of him with both proud parents. He was begging us to stop with the pics at this point. He was so ready to go inside and start his day.

Daddy was documenting our every step. Too bad he didn't have the good camera.

He went right on in and sat on the rug.

I had to tell him to come back and give me one last hug. I also kissed his "Kissing Hand."

And the best part was NO TEARS from Sawyer or mommy. I started to tear up just a bit when I walked out of the classroom, but I held it together. Jax was pretty sad that we were leaving his big brother. He wanted to stay at school with him. We start MDO aka "little school" on Sept. 7, so I think he will feel better once he has is own class. Sawyer reported that he had a great first day and that he got to be the line leader. It just doesn't get much better than that! He was an exhausted, but happy boy when he got home.