I wrote about our Gotcha Day
here, but I didn't post any pictures. We traveled to Hannah's Hope with 5 other families. Here is a pic of the sweet moms I got to share this special day with.

One of the dads, Will, was so sweet to take pictures for all of us. Most of these pictures were taken by him. Justin and I were the first ones to walk through the gates of Hannah's Hope. We were looking around for Mia and I was trying to ask the special mothers if they knew where she was.

I finally spotted her by the kitchen. She was getting bread. She started waving when she saw me.

She came to me and then sat on the stairs. She wasn't sure what to think. I just wanted to get her in my arms and give her lots of love.

She was pretty smiley and happy at first.

Then she started seeing all of the unfamiliar faces and got really quiet. She wasn't ready for Justin to hold her just yet.

Then she put her little head on my shoulder and wouldn't look up. I think she knew things were different. She was scared, but I am glad she let me comfort her.

It was lunch time so I fed her some lunch. She cheered up then. My girl loves lunch time!

We took some last minute pictures with the special mothers and Almaz. Almaz is the director of Hannah's Hope and one of the most amazing women I have ever met.
We then walked out of the black gates with our precious girl in our arms. Our daughter will never spend another day in an orphange. Praise the Lord!!!
It was a hard day for our sweet girl. I comforted her as she cried when we first got back to our hotel room. She then fell asleep with me and took a nap.

She woke up pretty happy from her nap. I gave her a bath, changed her clothes, and tried to get her to smile. She has a pretty cute smile!!!

March 4 will always be a very special day for our family.