March 4th is our gotcha day!!! I can't believe that our daughter has been in our arms for one year now. I woke up before everyone this morning and I am just sitting here looking through pics of that first day together. It's amazing how far the Lord has brought us as a family in the last year.
On March 4 2012, Justin and I were so excited to see our daughter again. She greeted us with a smiles and waves, but they quickly changed to inquisitive glares and even tears as she realized something big was about to happen. She knew something was different and she wasn't so sure she liked it.

She was happy about lunch time and we were able to get a few smiles out of her. She still loves lunch time so that has not changed. However this pic really shows me how far she has come in a year. She was not feeding herself with a spoon yet and was basically still eating baby food. Now, she can eat with a fork and spoon all by herself. She eats just about anything that isn't green. Her favorites are pizza, yogurt, bread, PB&J sandwiches, and cereal. Her muscles were also so weak. When I held her she would lean back to the point I thought she would fall, because she just didn't have the strength to hold her little self up for long. Physical therapy has helped her so much and now there isn't much our little one can't do now.

I am still amazed at the way God worked it out for Mia and her best friend Eve Meaza to leave Hannah's Hope together. I know it made the transition so much easier for her. This picture above makes me want to cry. Our girls were so scared and sad. Praise the Lord He has healed their broken hearts. They are now happy little daughters and sisters.
We got to meet up with Eve Meaza and her parents on Friday night. It was so good to see our little ones together again. They acted like they see each other day. There is no denying that these two are sisters at heart.
Here is a picture of us and Mia with one of her favorite special mothers. This picture says so much. I love the way Mia is looking at Justin. She was just trying to figure out who we were. My eyes were so glassy as I was trying not to bawl my eyes out. We were glad to finally be with our daughter, but it was also so hard to take her away from people who loved her and a place where she felt safe.
She let me hold her a lot that first day, but she was not so sure about her daddy. It took a while to warm up, but I can assure you he is one of her favorite people in the world now.
I always wanted to take a picture of the three of us outside of the black gates of Hannah's Hope. I had dreamed of that moment for so long. As you can see it was not such a fun moment for our girl.
After a long nap and a new outfit she was ready to let us snuggle with her a little. March 4th will always be a very special day for our family. We are so thankful for our beautiful daughter. The first year home was not always easy, actually there were some really tough moments, but we have seen God's hand of grace through it all.
Happy Gotcha Day Mia Grace Mestawet!!! We love you to the moon and back!