1. Monday I was able to visit my dear friend Mia. We have been close friends ever since we met at LA Tech's freshman orientation. We actually met while washing our hands before lunch. Mia is one of the greatest blessings in my life and she is one of the reasons we loved the name Mia for our daughter. We talk on the phone often, but had not seen each other in a while, so it was great to be able to chat and catch up on each other's lives. I also got to visit with her two precious daughters. The only pic I got from our visit was this one of her oldest daughter. Isn't she cute?
2. Another thing that made me smile were these sweet monogrammed jumpers Mia got for our Mia Grace. I can't wait to dress her up in all her cute new clothes. Her closet is filled with lots of fun, girly things.
3. Jax has been making Valentine's for his sister for the past few weeks. Actually, anytime he colors a picture or makes anything at school or church, he says it is for Mia. I found a stash of things he put in his sister's room for her to have when she comes home. He even made a little goody bag filled with granola bars and small toys. I love his heart for his little sis!
4. Thursday I got to have lunch with two of my loves. Sawyer's class has been learning about Louisiana, so they went on a field trip to a local seafood restaurant. Justin and I were able to join him for some yummy seafood. Sawyer's favorite was the catfish and fried shrimp.
5. Sawyer was chosen to be king of his class Mardi Gras parade. We went to watch the parade yesterday. He had a blast!
This little pose made me laugh. He was really hamming it up during the parade.
6. I have to say that I am so thankful for great friends. I was able to have many conversations this week with old and new friends that encouraged me and lifted my spirits.

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