Wednesday, October 12, 2011

More Waiting

We are not waiting for October numbers. We will no longer post pictures of our girls' number and siblings' number. That part of our adoption journey is over. This is still so strange to me. We really thought we would have at least another nine months of stalking the wait list and updating our numbers.

A good friend of mine told me a few months ago that she was praying we would get our referral by this November. When she told me this, I thought it was very sweet of her, but also impossible. Well, it's October and we have seen our daughter's face, so I guess it wasn't so impossible after all.

So, one part of our waiting is over, and for that I am thankful. We are now waiting for a court date. I am finding that parts of this wait are easier, but some parts are so, very hard. I think about our girl constantly. I stare at her pictures and watch the video again and again. Oh, how I long to hold her.

I am so ready for her to experience the love of a family. I want to whisper in her ear how much the Lord loves her. I want to comfort her when she is scared and take care of her when she is sick. It's hard to do these things when she is on the other side of the world.


  1. May you, your little one, and family, find comfort and peace as you journey onto this new and different stage of the adoption. May the Lord provide, as he always does, the needed compassion and care for your daughter as she waits for your loving arms. Peace...

  2. This part of the waiting really is different... I am SO glad that we have videos! I have since found out that almost NO ONE gets videos- so we are truly blessed! So... do you watch your video every day like I do??? ;-)

  3. Praying for you and your little one!
