Our One Day Closer lunch and silent auction was yesterday and it was awesome! We were just amazed at all the people who came together to show us their love and support. Our girl is loved so much already! It is such a blessing to be able to witness God making a way for our little girl to come home. We have said before that we could not do this alone and it is very true, but God never intended for us to do this alone. He wanted us to step out in Faith and depend on Him and Him alone. We are so thankful for the people God has placed in our lives who have been praying for us, encouraging us, and working hard to make sure the dream of bringing Mia home becomes a reality. I am especially thankful for these five ladies below. April, Cindy, Lauren, Megan, and Robin worked so hard to make this event a success and we are forever grateful to them.

They worked so hard and did it all with bright smiles on their faces. They sold tickets for the last month and even sold 42 at the door.

They served delicious food that was all donated by Lauren and Brian's family's restaurant, Scott's Catfish and Seafood.

The gumbo was delicious and was all prepared by Brian. I don't even know how early he had to get up to prepare all of this yummy food.

Our friend Todd made the salad that Cindy is serving, below.

My cousin made two cakes for the event.

We had so much dessert, all prepared by my mom, grandma, and cousin that we didn't even cut the Africa cake. I guess we will have chocolate cake for dessert all week.

There was a bounce house for the kids to play on. Evidently it was a big success, because I barely saw my children the entire day. They were busy jumping and playing with their friends. Also, our new friend, April brought her photobooth. It was such a great idea! Everyone who attended had the opportunity to take fun photobooth pics. They got to keep one copy and then write us a message on the back of the other copy. I loved this! I can't wait to show Mia the pics one day!

Of course their were awesome items at our auction. We had over 50 items donated. Again, I am just amazed by the generosity we have received.
In the end with all of the ticket sales, donations, t-shirt sales, auction bids, and photobooth we raised $6,000. We were so thrilled. When we got home we received another $415, making the grand total of the weekend
$6415. We are truly praising God for the great things He has done!

We loved being able to share this special day with our family and friends! Sawyer told my mom that we will have to do this all again when Mia comes home, so that she can see it. I don't know about that, but I know there will be a celebration when she is finally in our arms.

Again, we want thank everyone who participated and prayed for this day! Our family is truly blessed to have such great friends to share this journey with.