I realized today that there are no pictures of us on this blog. I just went through our iphoto and can not find one picture of the 4 of us. I will work on that! I did find these sweet pics of the boys that Justin took recently.

Sawyer is four years old and Jax is two and a half. They are full of energy and keep me on my toes. They have both been asking for a baby sister a lot lately. We have decided, at least for now, that we are not going to choose the sex of our adopted child. We would love a daughter, but would also be happy with another little boy. Sometimes I think I wouldn't even know what to do with a girl, because I am so used to boys. Well, I have explained to the boys that we are going to let God decide if we will have a sister or a brother. Sawyer told me with a sweet smile on his face, "I think God wants us to have a girl."

Sawyer is my thinker, rule follower and enforcer, curious, cautious, and caring first born son. Around Christmas time his aunt asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He didn't reply at first and we started giving him suggestions. "Do you want to be a fireman? a doctor? a teacher?" He stated very matter of factly, "No. When I grow up I want to take care of kids who don't have mommies and daddies." It was so sweet. We really had not talked to him much about adoption at this point, but it really made me think. We don't want to just teach our children about the needs around them, we want them to learn to serve others and to show them the love of Christ. Sawyer now knows that we are planning to adopt a child from Africa one day and he is very excited. A few weeks ago we were going to Texas and he asked if we could go to Africa, Texas to get our baby. I guess we need to work on geography a little.

Jax is my energetic, friendly, cuddly, rule-breaking, strong-willed, but adorable second son. This child LOVES babies. He is the one who is constantly asking for a baby sister. Since, we don't have one yet our miniature schnauzer, Jasmine will have to do. He loves that dog and pets her all the time. I guess I should add that he loves babies as long as I am not holding one. He doesn't like to share his mommy too much. A couple of months ago we got our adoption application in the mail along with a video from our agency. The boys must have watched it 10 times one morning. I watched it once, because it was a bit of a tear jerker, but they loved it. I told the boys that the children in the film didn't have mommies and daddies. Later, when Justin came home they wanted to watch it again. A picture of a little baby girl from Africa appeared on the screen, and Jaxon said, "Oh, I want to hug my baby sister." It was so precious! At that point we had not even told them that we were planning to adopt. It is awesome to see that God is preparing all of us for this next step in our lives.